Monday, November 11, 2013

 This Casino billboard is eye catching, due to the bright red color and bold white lettering, not only is this billboard large, but it is also lighted making it easier to see in any weather condition. The location of this billboard is also in a great place, on Hwy 54 for tavelers coming into the area to see and know how far away from the casino they actually are.
 This Golden Eagle billboard is also very eye catching with the lighted extra, and the large gold print on the black background. The location is convenient for drivers from out of town coming in and finding this business right away. With not too much information directly on the billboard itself, but giving you a refrence on where to find more info, which is good for fast passers.
However this Union Millwright billboard has too much writing for a driver to read it all just by passing by, the writing is also very small and could get lost in the different weathter that Wisconsin has to offer. This billboard reminds me more of a business card that you can read and have for a refrence, rather then a billboard that you have to try to recieve the all the information in the three seconds it takes to drive by.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dawn The big idea of this ad is to cause awareness of wild animals that are being killed or hurt in their natural habitat by big oil companies dumping into the ocean or other waterways. Dawn has a “boom” factor in this ad by not only wanting to do what they can to help these animals, by using their gentle soaps to clean these poor animals and get them back out into their homes, but they also want to expose these companies so it’s less likely to happen in the future. With Dawn slogan of “gentle on hands, tough on grease” this advertisement proves how effective it truly is. Tough enough to glean the oil off of these animals, yet gentle enough to do it safely with no added harm.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

TV/Radio commercial

Television Commercial
The Television programs and networks are limited for me throughout the day, seeing as i have a four year old, in order to keep my sanity i have to pick my battles and choose Doc McStuffins over young and the restless. The commercials on the Disney network include kid based advertisements. Toy commercials pretty much take over the breaks in TV programing with ads such as; Barbie, Legos, La La Loopsy, and of course advertisements promoting all the new Disney shows and movies airing in the upcoming days.

All the ads on the Disney channel are appropriate for its specific demographic of viewers. Although as a parent i have to brace myself for the “I want, I want, I want" that is sure to lead with every commercial, but hey that is what is supposed to happen right.

Radio Commercial
I don’t normally listen to country on the radio, so I opted for a country station, and the commercials seemed pretty much the same. The advertisements mostly consisted of jewelry commercials (of course) and local events happening in the area (pumpkin fest). Even though this particular radio station advertised concerts as does my regular radio station, the concerts were different, focusing on the specific listener. Country stations promoted country singers and their concerts whereas 95.5 for instance would promote pop/hip hop artists and their concerts. This however did now surprise me, it is to be expected.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

these three picture are good example of all three different ads. we have the line art ad which is an artwork type ad that is comprised of a solid black, there are no shades of gray or shades of any other color. the black and white half tone ad (nike) the ad has a combination of dots and an optical illusion of shading. then we have the four color process print ad, where i think the ad is full of color as well as black and white tones.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The art director chose this specific visual to focus on the fact that Heinz is made from real tomatos.

with this ad the art director is getting the cumsumers attention on not only there product being made with recycled products, but also the importance of recycling is beneficial to creating new products.

the focus in this ad is the flame. the art director wants to get the attention of the fire hot flavors of doritos.

The headline for this ad gets lost ineverything around it, it has not significant print style to catch the readers eye, and is quite small conpared to the other heading on the ad.
I  would choose to change the ad by making the statement "Never carry your keys again" as a banner heading arcoss the ad and in bold letters to make that my main statement to catch the readers eye, and get their attention.